Create a Culture of Recognition

“A great employee is like a four-leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have so, express it!”


What is employee recognition?

  • Employee recognition refers to all the ways an organization shows its appreciation for contributions that employees make. It can take many forms and may or may not involve monetary compensation. Companies recognize employees for things like:

  • Achievements.

  • Exhibiting desired behaviors.

  • Going above and beyond expectations.

  • Milestones such as tenure.

Why does employee recognition matter?

From a very early age, we crave recognition from parents, teachers, and friends. So strong is our desire for positive affirmation, particularly during developmental periods, that we can even perceive a neutral reaction as a negative one.

This continues to hold true as we move into the workplace. Employee recognition helps to:

  • Retain top talent.

  • Increase employee engagement.

  • Encourage high performance.