Developing and Sustaining High-PerformingTeams
The Elusive High-Performance Team
A "high-performance work team" refers to a group of goal-focused individuals with specialized expertise and complementary skills who collaborate, innovate, and produce consistently superior results. The group relentlessly pursues performance excellence through shared goals, shared leadership, collaboration, open communication, clear role expectations, group operating rules, early conflict resolution, and a strong sense of accountability and trust among its members.
So, why is it so rare to witness or experience a high-performance team?
Many things inhibit their existence, such as virtual employees with little face-to-face interaction, matrix environments that encourage allegiance to home organizations instead of project teams, and resource management philosophies and tools that strive for partial and fragmented assignments.
Plus, the effort of creating a high-performance team is immense! Tremendous amounts of resources and time are required to create them. But, with the correct leadership and environment, the benefits of high-performance teams are invaluable because they can generate contributions greater than the sum of their parts.
Characteristics of High-Performance Teams
High-performance teams are more than a collection of people simply following orders. High-performing teams are synergistic social entities that work toward achieving a common goal or goal. They often exemplify a total commitment to the work and each other, have a crystal-clear understanding of their role, and know how to do their jobs and why they are doing them. Each member understands and supports the meaning and value of the team's mission and vision, clarifying the purpose and tying it to each person's role and responsibilities to enhance team potential.
D&SHPT Participant
“In a sea of fluffy, self-help type professional development. This session stood out as a thoughtful approach to understanding the underlying issues.”
D&SHPT Participant
“I appreciate that the instructors didn't shy away from realities and difficult questions only to default back to some rote memorized curriculum. Being intellectually honest and engaged with the issues was a huge piece. I have a deep level of cynicism towards so many professional trainers because it seems they ignore the realities because they're disruptive to their philosophy. That was not present here. That level of honest, thoughtful approach built rapid trust.”
D&SHPT Participant
“This is the only seminar I've ever attended that I would readily recommend again.”

Speaking of Team Work

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Could your organization benefit from structured problem-solving training? Do you have questions about the Structured Problem Solving program? Please feel free to reach out to us for more information. A member of our team will get back to you within 24 hours.